Past Conference

Proceeding of Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing(CISC-2017)

  • Focuses on cognitive computation, learning, and big data systems for the control and modeling of complex systems.
  • Highlights current technological advances in the area of computational intelligence, as well as hybrid intelligent models and applications.
  • Offers a valuable basis for pursuing future work.

Proceeding of Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing(CISC-2019)

  • Focuses on cognitive computation, learning, and big data systems for the control and modeling of complex systems.
  • Highlights the latest technological advances in computational intelligence, as well as hybrid intelligent models and applications.
  • Offers a valuable basis for pursuing future work.

Proceeding of CognitiveInformatics and Soft Computing( CISC 2020)

  • Presents recent research in cognitive informatics and soft computing.
  • Discusses the outcomes of ICCISC 2020, held in Balasore, India.
  • Serves as a reference resource for researchers and practitioners in academia and industry.

Proceeding of CognitiveInformatics and Soft Computing( CISC 2021)

  • Presents research works in cognitive informatics and soft computing.
  • Gathers the outcomes of CISC 2021, held in Balasore, India.
  • Serves as a reference resource for researchers and practitioners in academia and industry.